Monday, September 13, 2010

Sweet Corn of Summer

The sweet corn of summer is almost gone for another year. And once it goes, we have to wait way too long for that wonderful taste to return to the farmer's market. It reminds me how much better everything is when you get close to the source, including our relationship with God. To hear more, click on the headline above and listen to our "Parables Please" radio show entitled "Sweet Corn of Summer." Susan Cantey sings a musical parable and Andy Bartmess reads a parable from scripture.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Shopping and Sweet Corn

When I visit the farmer's market in the summer, it makes me think of what this earth will be like when Jesus comes again! To hear more, click on the headline above. This "Parables Please" radio show reminds us that a new world is coming for believers where the sinless perfection of Jesus is shown forth even in the fruit we will eat! Susan Cantey sings and Andy Bartmess shares a biblical parable too.